ArtHouse Jersey is teaming up with talented local and international art tutors to offer a series of exciting drawing and painting courses across a range of mediums, responding to the drama and movement found in coastal landscapes.

These varied one and two-day courses are held at the historic Greve de Lecq Barracks and cater to all abilities, from curious beginners dipping a toe to established artists honing their craft. All are welcome.

Upcoming Courses

  • Playful Ink Techniques

    Jersey art tutor: Lisa Troy

    From the caves to the Inkjet, ink has been used by artists the world over for drafting maps, sketching anatomy, ornate calligraphy and capturing ideas of all kinds. Ink has been used throughout time, making it such an incredibly versatile playful medium worth exploring.

    Workshop One (basic techniques): Saturday 6th July, 10am to 5pm
    - seven spaces remaining

    Lisa starts your day with ink theory, pen drawing techniques and brushwork enhancement. Weather permitting you will observe the Greve de Lecq dramatic coastline and create gestural landscape artworks en plein air. The afternoon will see exploration of patterns in foraged materials, inspired line drawings and playful ink works, with a focus on gouache and gum arabic resist techniques.

    Workshop Two (advanced): Saturday 21st September, 10am to 5pm
    - good availability

    The second workshop will be a progression of ink techniques and experimentation with new techniques not covered in workshop one. You can attend either workshop as a standalone day, or book both dates to build your practice. All catering and art materials included, plus you take home your very own 50-page sketchbook. Each day is £150 per person.

  • Modern Abstract Landscapes

    Jersey art tutor: Robert Allen

    Robert will show you his process of working in the landscape to produce abstract paintings inspired by Jersey seascapes. You will start by working outside producing drawings and paintings of the surrounding beach, cliffs and sea off Greve De Lecq. You will gather visual ideas to turn into a canvas painting back in the studio at Greve De Lecq barracks.

    The intention of the course is to help you find a style of art making that encompasses an understanding of artistic formal qualities, mixed with the freedom of visual experimentation that abstraction offers and an outcome that describes the sensation of the Jersey coastline.

    You can attend either workshop as a standalone day, or book both dates to further develop your practice. All catering and art materials included, plus you take home your very own 50-page sketchbook. Each workshop is £150 to attend.

    These Abstract Landscape one-day courses cater for beginners and experienced artists alike.

    Available dates are:
    Sunday 7th July, 10am to 5pm - three spaces remaining
    Sunday 22nd September, 10am to 5pm
    - good availability

  • Further Autumn courses to be announced soon

    Please sign up to our newsletter to be notified

  • Lisa Troy - Ink Techniques

  • Robert Allen - Abstract Techniques

Why not gift an unforgettable experience?

Gift vouchers are available from and make the perfect creative present for friends or family. They are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and are redeemable against any creative short courses held with ArtHouse Jersey. Below are some popular past examples; watch this space for new courses such as learning to illustrate...

Past Creative Courses

  • Urban Oil Painting Techniques (2024)

    Dutch tutor Casper Strietman taught his oil practice including use of perception, composition, colour influence, vocal points and urban storylines.

  • Landscape Painting Course (2023)

    Tutor Jacque Rutter explored use of colour, tonal contrast, gestural and dynamic mark-making, working with wet and dry materials and building up scale.

  • Mark-making to Music (residency 2023)

    Using body, breath and music to connect to the process of drawing, and to respond to the expressive qualities of art materials such as charcoal and graphite.

  • Watercolour Skills Five-Day Retreat (2019)

    Mita Corsini Bland is a New York based watercolorist. This week-long retreat gave insights and techniques on shape, colour, tone and composition.

First rate facilities - so calm and peaceful and committed staff - perfect!


Jacque Rutter is an incredible teacher, making the experience fun, inspiring and hugely progressive. Greve de Lecq is beautiful too.


The course made me feel more confident and has armed me with lots of new techniques and knowledge.


First rate facilities - so calm and peaceful and committed staff - perfect! 〰️ Jacque Rutter is an incredible teacher, making the experience fun, inspiring and hugely progressive. Greve de Lecq is beautiful too. 〰️ The course made me feel more confident and has armed me with lots of new techniques and knowledge. 〰️